This book is written by Shaykh Ahmed Ibne Fahd al Hilli. It is said that once in his dream, Ibne Fahd saw Imam Ali (A.S.) and Seyyed Mortadha Alamolhoda dressed in green silk walking in the holy shrine of Najaf with the hand of Seyyed in the hand of the Imam. Ibne Fahad went forth and greeted them. The Imam and Seyyed too greeted him. Then Seyyed Mortadha turned to him, saying: "Bravo to you for helping the Ahlol-Bayt (the Household of the Holy Prophet of Islam)." Then he asked about Fahd's books and when Ibne Fahad gave the names, Seyyed said to him:
"Write a book to ease the paths leading to Allah and begin it with the following sentences: In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful. Praise is due to Allah, the Holy One who is Absolute and Independent from similar creatures."
When he woke up from sleep he started writing the book "Tahrir" with the sentences of Seyyed in its preface.